LabBuddy provides an
e-learning solution

This e-learning solution supplements traditional practical education by creating a form of blended learning. LabBuddy helps students prepare before the start of the practical work, supports them while working in the lab or field, and guides them during the processing of
their results after the practical work.

Before the practical class

It’s important for students to be fully prepared before doing their practical work. LabBuddy’s e-learning solution encourages them to think for themselves, instead of just reading instructions. LabBuddy provides students with:

  • Interactive questions to help them understand the
  • An Experiment Designer in which students can make
    a flow scheme of the experiment before its actual
  • Tailored feedback

During the practical class

Once the students are finished with the experiment design and the questions in the “prepare mode”, they switch to “work mode”. Here, LabBuddy supports them by means of:
  • An enriched manual, which provides just-in-time information on:
    • The appearance of tools and materials
    • The location of the tools and materials
    • Potential hazards
  • Video instructions on how to use equipment
  • A booking tool, in which students book time slots for the use of equipment
  • A lab journal functionality
In case laptops or computers cannot be used during the practical class, students can use the print-out of the lab manual functionality in LabBuddy.

After the practical class

After the practical work, LabBuddy helps students to process raw data into results.

The built in Lab Journal not only allows students to add notes to each step of their protocol, but also to easily document their results. In LabBuddy, students can:

  • Upload results
  • Perform calculations
  • Answer additional questions
  • Draw a conclusion

This information can be exported to generate a lab report.

LabBuddy is full of
rich features

Experiment Designer

Effective practical education encourages and supports curiosity and inquisitiveness rather than cookbook-following behaviour.

Interactive protocols

The workflow of students consists of connected items containing the protocols. The information about the techniques is presented at the suitable moment, to help students process the information.

Closed Questions

Students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process. They receive automated feedback on their answers, allowing them to learn, and gain confidence.

Workflow feedback

One of the primary purposes of LabBuddy's e-learning solution is to let students design their own experiment, guided by feedback on their built workflow.

Lab Journal

Students are usually expected to keep lab journal notes. Within LabBuddy, they can also keep track of their results, write conclusions, and generate a report.

Booking module

Part of practical work is making a thorough planning of the experiment. Students use the booking module to reserve lab space or equipment.

What do teachers say?

Robert Kourist
Professor Molecular Biotechnology at TU Graz
LabBuddy helps our students prepare for the lab course and keep track of their experiments!
Simone Mesman
Assistant professor Psychobiology at University of Amsterdam
With the help of LabBuddy, students were able to quikcly and efficiently design and perform their own experiments.
Wilma Hazeleger
Food microbiologist at Wageningen University & Research
LabBuddy allows students to design their own experiment, while teachers can still cope with increasing student numbers.

A teacher story from

Simone Mesman

Assistant professor

Psychobiology | Molecular Neurobiology
“With the help of LabBuddy, students were able to quickly and efficiently design and perform their own experiments”

The challenge

Upgrade of the course’s structure. During this course, students are free to design their own experiments and to answer their research question, within a given subject and with a provided toolbox. We wanted to provide an online tool to structure their ideas, but keep the free set-up of the course.


We have uploaded all the generic protocols and toolboxes, that were previously provided in the course-reader, in LabBuddy (ExperD), per experimental week. Furthermore, we included the possibility to plan and assign experiments, upload the data, and discuss the results with the entire project-group.

Final result

With the use of LabBuddy, the students obtained a quick overview of the course, obtained insight in the experimental workflow, and were able to work together efficiently. Compared to previous years, students quickly caught up with the workflow of the course.

Training programmes

At LabBuddy, we gladly help you to get the most out of our e-learning solution. We offer several training programmes to teach you how to use the solution both didactically and technically.

Our e-learning solution has

users all
over Europe


Reach out to us

Please fill in the form below to schedule a demo. You can also use this form to ask any other question.

What's your question about?
* mandatory

ISO Certification

Kryt B.V., the company responsible for LabBuddy, operates an information security management system that complies with the requirements in ISO/IEC 27001:2022 for the development, delivery and support of e-learning software, as defined by management and in accordance with our statement of applicability. We will send you this statement of applicability on request.

Register for a training

Please fill in the form below to register for a training. You can also use this form to ask any other question.

What's your question about?
* mandatory