LabBuddy's workshop:
Creating future-proof lab education

Benefit from LabBuddy’s 10 years of expertise in enhancing lab education – based on evidence-informed educational insights. 

The workshop includes:

  • Educational theories underlying lab teaching
  • Explanation about instructional design for practical education using LEGO®
  • An opportunity to gain inspiration for your own lab course

What do we ask
from you?

  • At least 5 participants who teach lab courses without LabBuddy, or other parties involved in educational innovation.
  • The following facilities:

    • A suitable room with tables that allow for interactions between participants
    • A large screen and necessary cables
    • Coffee, tea and water during a short break
    • Internal promotion of the event at your educational institution

Workshop experiences

Hochschule Bremerhaven
‘By following the workshop, I can better understand how students learn’.
Radboud University
‘Nice mix with the examples from the practical course.’
Hochschule Bremerhaven
‘It was new for me and, consequently, interesting and, hopefully, useful in the future’.

Reach out to us

Please fill in the form below to schedule a demo. You can also use this form to ask any other question.

What's your question about?
* mandatory

ISO Certification

Kryt B.V., the company responsible for LabBuddy, operates an information security management system that complies with the requirements in ISO/IEC 27001:2022 for the development, delivery and support of e-learning software, as defined by management and in accordance with our statement of applicability. We will send you this statement of applicability on request.

Register for a training

Please fill in the form below to register for a training. You can also use this form to ask any other question.

What's your question about?
* mandatory