Teacher story by

Simone Mesman

Assistant professor at University of Amsterdam
“With the help of LabBuddy, students were able to quickly and efficiently design and perform their own experiments.”

The challenge

Upgrade of the course’s structure. During this course, students are free to design their own experiments to answer their research question, within a given subject and with a provided toolbox. We wanted to provide an online tool to structure their ideas, but keep the free set-up of the course.

The transformation

We have uploaded all the generic protocols and toolboxes, that were previously provided in the course-reader, in LabBuddy (ExperD), per experimental week. Furthermore, we included the possibility to plan and assign experiments, upload the data, and discuss the results with the entire project-group.

The final result

With the use of LabBuddy, the students obtained a quick overview of the course, obtained insight in the experimental workflow, and were able to work together efficiently. Compared to previous years, students quickly caught up with the workflow of the course.

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