Teacher story by

Prof. Dr. Ir. Anja Palmans

Technical University Eindhoven
“The role of LabBuddy was crucial in Covid-19 time. Without LabBuddy, the lab course could not have run.”

The challenge

Enable students to understand what they are doing. Many students could not keep up in the limited time available for the lab course. Cognitive overload appeared to be the cause for this. So, I wanted the students to be more prepared and understand better what they are doing.

The transformation

The integration of LabBuddy in our course allows us to provide automatic feedback on students’ experimental designs, including feedback on the Closed Questions to trigger critical thinking.

The final result

Students work more independently at their own pace. The students understand better what the experiment is about, because they are well prepared. LabBuddy also helps us to evaluate the students more effectively, because they answer the questions individually.

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