Teacher story by

Mieke van Essen

Leiden University Medical Center
“Using LabBuddy, students entered the lab well prepared, which gave us the opportunity to discuss obtained results in more detail.”

The challenge

Our challenge was to inform students on the immunological processes of complement activation and phagocytosis. These processes were assessed in the same samples in two separate practical parts. The experimental procedures (i.e. ELISA) needed introduction as well.

The transformation

The developed LabBuddy module was very helpful in guiding the students through the experimental setup. Questions and drag and drop options were added to direct students through the experimental setup. This also helped them in interpreting and understanding the results.

The final result

Students were well prepared before entering the lab. Practical issues (e.g. calculating sample dilutions) were already addressed by LabBuddy, which left more time to discuss the obtained results. The outcome of both practical parts could be linked, providing better overall insight.

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