Teacher story by

Wilma Hazeleger

Food Microbiology
“The LabBuddy Experiment Designer (ExperD) allows students to design their own experiments, while teachers can still cope with increasing student numbers.”

The challenge

Need for automated feedback. Our biggest challenge was to cope with increasing students numbers while maintaining maximum freedom for students to design their own experiment. Feedback by teachers on student designs became almost impossible in the limited time available.

The transformation

Integration of Labbuddy in our course, allows us to provide automatic feedback on students’ experimental designs, including feedback questions to trigger critical thinking. Furthermore, a ready-to-use materials list is provided by the end of the day to facilitate preparations by staff.

The final result

Receiving automatic feedback, students have optimal flexibility in their experimental designs. Staff do not need to check all design steps but can focus on coaching the students at higher cognitive levels even when student numbers are high.

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