Teacher story by

Tess Verwer

Wageningen University and Research
“Students come in better prepared and leave more confident! “

The challenge

Improve student preparation and understanding. For our course (~230 students) we organise four weeks of practicals supervised by two teachers. The large group size and many questions from (often unprepared) students made supervision challenging. Afterwards, the level of understanding was hard to determine.

The transformation

By introducing LabBuddy to our practicals, students got to prepare and learn key aspects of the experiments before the practicals started. Furthermore, the ExperD feature allowed them to interactively learn about the assays and data analyses they had to perform while providing a protocol.

The final result

Students were better prepared at the start of the practicals and were able to perform experiments in a much more efficient manner saving >1 hour per day. Teachers were able to spend more time on supervision and were able to better determine which students struggled as they could see students’ progress in LabBuddy.

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