Teacher story by

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Kasper

BOKU University of natural resources and life sciences, Vienna
“After preparation with LabBuddy, the students were much more prepared for the actual lab work in the course!”

The challenge

Aim for efficient lab time. Students often prepare for practical lab courses by reading the protocols, not by thinking of the experimental design and workflow itself. Therefore, the overall scientific goals of a course remain unclear. Lab time is not efficiently used because practical work was not planned in detail.

The transformation

Through the preparation with LabBuddy, students gain a comprehensive overview on the scientific background of the experiments and deeper understanding why specific methods are chosen to challenge a scientific hypothesis. Build their own experimental plan enhances detailed planning of the practical work.

The final result

In-depth understanding of the scientific context. Training in designing experimental workflows based on the scientific hypothesis that should be addressed. More efficient lab time because students anticipate the practical lab work. More time for scientific and method-related in-depth questions.

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