Teacher story by

Dr. Ir. Julia Diederen

Wageningen University & Research
“LabBuddy enables my students to be well prepared for lab classes as well as guides them while performing experiments.”

The challenge

Being able to calculate with experimental data. During lab classes students gather data which they often need to transform into “results”. Students often need help with performing these calculations or are not aware of the mistakes they make.

The transformation

We developed a labsimulation in LabBuddy in which students have to design experiments, receive the data and need to perform the calculations to get to the final results. Students receive guidance (hints, intermediate calculations, feedback) from LabBuddy during the calculations.

The final result

Students now know what to do with the data they have gathered during the real lab class. Supervisors do not have to explain the basics of each calculation for each student anymore. In reports, students have improved in providing correct results.

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