Teacher story by

Dr. J.C. Alers

Biomedical Engineering, University of Twente
“LabBuddy increases the independency of students.”

The challenge

Enable students to understand what they are doing and let them confidently work at their own pace. Students didn‘t have an overview of this complex lab course. This makes students feel insecure. In addition, a lot of low-level questions fills the time at the lab.

The transformation

The integration of LabBuddy in our course, allows us to provide automatic feedback on students’ experimental designs, including feedback on the in-depth Closed Questions to trigger critical thinking. We als give feedback on the work plan of the students. This reduces work pressure for us, the teachers.

The final result

We increased the independency of the students. Also, we teach them a critical and active attitude in both the preparation and execution of practicals. This fits well with the concept of student-driven learning, one of the focal points within our Twente Education Model (TOM).

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